The  dotcampus

Let us start with the keywords that are our guiding beacon: education and urban regeneration. We are a group, founded in 2019 with the aim of managing and regenerating educational and housing infrastructures, and giving them back to the city, the neighbourhood, the people. Side Asset Management (SAM) is our company, dotcampus is our creation.

Our wish is to communicate our desire to create through environments that stimulate the minds and the senses, turning the idea of “cross-fertilisation” into a positive experience that always bears fruit.

We want university students to be able to live in these environments, acquire skills through complementary courses and dedicated events, and connect with companies, thus making the spaces themselves authentic human accelerators for the world of work.

An ecosystem in the heart of Rome

We wanted to bring an ecosystem to life, another term that is particularly dear to us. An ecosystem is the natural system in which a community lives and in which the physical environment plays an essential role. There can be no community or environment if one of these two elements is missing. Both can welcome and integrate new players.

We achieve all this by implementing real urban regenerations, transforming “tired buildings” with very low energy ratings into next-generation ESG-compliant structures with integrated home automation to offer those who live in them a whole new concept of safety, sustainability and comfort.

This is dotcampus is to us. The name of our ecosystem comes precisely from the concept of a dot, a point and a campus, as a place where you have the opportunity to act: we are dots that come together to act together, and individual value can only grow through a network of connections.

There are other words that are important to us, words we love: making, learning, creating, curiosity. Here you will find them translated into facts. And here you will be able to find out what they mean to you.

The dotcampus community

The dotcampus site connects our communities through a rich event schedule and much more.

Our facility teams are available to provide you with all the support you need.

We offer a year-round programme of workshops, from handicraft activities to brunches and aperitifs with DJ sets to take the edge off the work and study week.

Our event plan celebrates the different cultures that cross paths at dotcampus.

Check-In Weekend and onboarding are opportunities for all the people here to meet and come together.

We organize training events to foster the employability of each dotmember.


We collaborate with leading professionals to define the best approach to food and physical activity.

We set up a dedicated event program to help promote health and fitness at dotcampus.

Our teams are trained to handle any health questions and recommend the nearest service centres.

We partner with Technogym to ensure the availability of the best gym equipment to support your physical well-being.


Everyone receives a reusable aluminium water bottle to reduce single-use plastic. Among our partners is Water with a Mission WAMI, so that all the water that is served has a good effect elsewhere too.

Save money and plastic with our reusable bag made of recycled cotton.

Our internal regulations include specific training on key points such as material recycling and responsible energy use, for all our employees during onboarding.

We carefully select our suppliers, who pledge to abide by our code of ethics and lead their companies with virtuous behaviour. We also prefer to work with suppliers who carry out valuable social and environmental activities in daily practice.

Design and technology

We regenerated a 5,500-square-meter, 9-story building from a very low energy rating to an A+++ rating.

The facility is equipped with rainwater recovery systems and photovoltaic panels, and dedicated rooms for separate waste collection.

We avoided the use of gas installations, long before it was required by the EU Parliament directive.

Hot air and cold air are remotely controllable and automatically shut off when rooms are empty.



University & Academy


Business partner